Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fresher Air - A Brilliant Design

It's been 2 weeks since I've been in air conditioning. That's right. My body has been the temperature it's designed to be relative to the temperature outside and the material and amount of clothes I'm wearing for 14 straight days. It feels great.

Here's a picture of the house I'm staying in. It's the azul one on the right. That azul cushion is one of the ones from the earlier post.
This is the view just outside the front door.
I can't begin to explain how incredible the clouds are.

I can't begin to explain how good the fresh tortillas are.

1 comment:

MC 1293 said...

These pictures are gorgeous. You are right about the clouds. As I've been watching it doesn't look like the temp. has been hight enough to use air condiationing. That is a beautiful part of Mexico. From the last post and the new pictures I take it you were able to have a charger for you camera.
Amor, Madre