Español Funcional is 3 horas en la mañana. We start at 8:00 and sometimes it's a little tough to follow, but once Paquita starts rolling, I'm get up to speed pretty quickly.
¡Vamanos Chicos! Click here for more pictures and higher quality pictures from this class!

¡Vamanos Chicos! Click here for more pictures and higher quality pictures from this class!
Speaking of Español Gramática, I had a pretty tough week in there. We spent the week working on preterit verbs (that's past tense.) We took our weekly exam today and yo no puedé bien. We had a different teacher at the beginning of the week and I just wasn't getting it. Alejandre, la profesora mayor, came in on Miercoles (Wednesday) and righted the ship. I think I'll do OK next week, but today, ¡dios mio! I was happy to put school to rest for the weekend.

Hasta luego Corri y Tori (who left yesterday. I'm sorry I didn't get a picture of her with the class.) Drop me a line when you get a chance.
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