Friday, July 11, 2008

Twinkle - a universal language (plus a P.S.)

This is Andre. His mom is one of the cooks at my favorite restaurante. Today, after lunch, I saw that he had a violin. I asked him about it and he told me that he had been playing for 2 months. He had a very strong sound for a beginner. He didn't know what to play porque he's just starting, but I played Twinkle and then he learned it by ear. It was great! He was playing it right out of the gate and we played it together a few times.

We're going to play again on Friday. Between Oscar on guitar, Andre on fiddle and me on banjo, we have the makings of a pretty good old time band.

Know a good bass player in Cuernavaca? Send him or her our way!


This is my friend Grace. She's here for a few weeks with her son Patrick. I think they're from West Virginia, but I may be wrong. Drop me a line if I am.

The picture was taken at a little party that Unitner threw on the 4th of July. They put together an group of students (myself included) to sing the National Anthem. That was pretty cool but I got all subversive about it and had a group of students singing "This Land is Your Land" (the "real national anthem where I come from), but we got cut off when someone turned on a sound system with some other background music. That was too bad, but I understand that most people aren't us to having "the people" make the music, rather than simply being receivers.

This Land was Made for You and Me!

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