Monday, July 21, 2008

Tepoztlán - an Indiana Jones Moment

This is me almost to the top of the Tepozteco Mountain where I got to see the remains of Tepoztlán, a temple built in the Aztec era, sometime between 1150 and 1350 AD. I don't want to get into the whole history of the place, but I can tell you that it is quite impressive. Boy, when humans get their minds to something, they can make it happen.

(Here's a few more pictures. More and higher quality pictures soon available on my web site.)

Speaking of making it happen, we made it all the way to the top. This is a picture of me and my German amigo Stephan right after we got off the bus in the town of Tepoztlán. See that blue awning at Stephan's right ear. If you start there and run your mouse straight up to the top of the mountain, you can kind of make out the temple. We climb from the point we're standing at all the way up to the temple.

Here's Stephan and Sheleice (from Arizona) on their way. The path is all stones. Sometimes it's jagged. Sometimes it's narrow. Sometimes it's slippery. Sometimes it's all three. There's maybe a hunderd yards of stairs right at the beginning, but from that point on it's all stone. And it's all up. Until we were climbing down. Then it's all down.

The view was like this all the way up. Jaw dropping natural beauty every ten feet or so.

That's the temple in the background.

A view from the top of the temple.

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