What a week. One of the great things about being here is that, since I don't know the language, I have friends everywhere I turn. It's incredible. Just like sitting on the porch, if I'm not afraid and I put it out there that I don't know very much but I'm trying, there's always a friendly face.
My favorite story to tell right now is of the young lady that works at the OXXO, which is basically a 7-11 right down the street from where I live. It's strange, but the fact that I don't know the language actually helps our relationship, rather than hinder. When I first started going there she was very helpful, and would slowly say the cost (numbers are very hard to understand at standard speed) and would help me with other things. Now that I'm understanding a little more and I can speak more, I can tell that she's happy for me. That's something that never happens in Chicago. Why would it?
I just can't believe how many great people I'm meeting. Here's a couple highlights of people I've met outside of school.
* Today - I can't believe I can't remember his name, but he was born in Cuernavaca and lived in Glenview for 8 years working in restaurants. I met him at the counter at the camera shop. We talked travel, music, Cueranvaca vs. Chicago, and the joys of life.
* Yesterday - I was waiting out the rain at a great restaurant and met Rosy, an older women who is a high school English teacher, as well as a senior citizen computer teacher. Here husband pasted a while back. They're from Mexico, but they lived in England for a long time. She gave me some great Spanish lessons and we talked about teaching and about learning and about life. She ended up give me a ride home. We're going to get together next week for another chat.
So with all this talk I haven't had much time to play music. But I did find someone to teach me some Mexican songs. His name is Alejandro and he teaches spanish at Uninter. On Tuesday we sat down on a bench at the school and we talked all about music and life and teaching, (the usual Jason subjects) and had a grand time. We learned Las Mañanitas, which he says is the "most important folk song in all of Mexico." He would fit in great at the Old Town School. First he gave me the song's background. Then he taught me the words. Then he taught me the tune. And just like so many of my classes, the instrument came last.
Like I said, though, I haven't had much time to play. That's OK. It'll come.
So my second week at the school is coming to an end. I was only going to go for three weeks, but this is just so much fun, I don't know, I might need to do four. Oscar and I are going to get together to play tomorrow and I think I'm going to in to Mexico City to find the famous Plaza Garibaldi on Saturday or Sunday.
Oh my gosh. So much more. I'll try to post again this weekend.
Thanks for reading,
1 comment:
I can't wait to hear about Mexico City! Everything sounds great and new and exciting...and like you are soaking it up as I knew you would. I love reading the posts so keep 'em comin'!
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